… & then…

           Once again, it’s been far too long since I’ve posted anything here. Not because I haven’t been writing, not the case at all, in fact I’ve been doing more writing in the past few weeks than I did for the month or two prior! But, the writing is just of a different sort, genre, topic… what am I trying to say…. alright it’s “professional” writing- all proper like. I’ve started 2 blogs for work, one being a basic “Insurance for Dummies, or Insurance 101” if you will (Insurance Made Simple(r)), and the other being for work as well, but focused on some of the amazing craft breweries here in the Northwest that also happen to be clients at work (What’s Hopp’ening)! If I haven’t forced you to check either of them out already, you should do so – they’re definitely different than the writing (read: venting) I do here, in my “voice” but works that I’m proud of all the same…

           I’ve also been spending a fair amount of time on my attempt at a historical fiction novel. After much struggling with myself, and Agnes (my inner editor – for more on her check out my earlier blogs) over whether to completely steal the life of an actual person and by doing so have to adjust my entire ficticious world to fit with what is real – or to simply steal a few of his real life tidbits and apply them to a character all my own, in that world of my own creation.

This  has been one of the sticking points that has (sadly) left me completely unproductive for long periods of time… simply sitting at the laptop arguing with myself in my head on what I can & can’t do. It wasn’t until just a few days ago that I had the realization that this is MY story, MY book, MY project, and I can do whatever the hell I want to with it! So, it’s been decided (Agnes be damned) – I’m writing “A Historical Fiction Novel; Loosely based on true events”…*whew* – you have NO idea what a paradigm shifting relief it’s been to have that decided & realized. I feel like I’ve reached the top of my first big mountain peak, am enjoying the view, the moment or two of tranquility and success, and looking out ahead of me at the remainder of the mountain range lying in my path.

And thus I move forward, onto the next comfortable valley before once again facing a challenging peak.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Henry David Thoreau

To ghost or not to ghost…

It isn’t often that I find myself struggling with a decision. I tend to know what I want, and to pursue the option best fitting with my goals, whether they be short term or long, planned or spontaneous, wise or questionable *according to others* – but, for the past few days I’ve found myself at a dead stop, pondering the diverged paths ahead of me, and at a complete loss of which direction to pursue.

As a writer, being approached with a paying project is the constant waking dream, one that I was blessed to receive this past week. Discussions were had, coffee was drank, notes were taken, and an introduction was written. The end product would be the first book in a series of 3 or 4, written for the tween crowd, ideally approx. 200/250 pages in length, and centered around characters locked safely inside the minds of my cohorts. After much talk, prayer, pro/con’ing, and contemplation; an agreement was reached, a price named, and the contracts were all but drawn up. Then, the decision was made, by said cohorts, that they desire for this project to be completed with myself as a ghostwriter.

Now I realize that ghostwriting is a career that many authors choose to take, and that it can be a fulfilling position, paying fairly substantially. But, I struggle with the idea of pouring my own storytelling skills, passion, and creativity into conceiving & birthing a being that I’ll then be handing over to someone else to be responsible for, as well as my not being able to celebrate that beings successes, my own pride at it’s creation, and of course, no reaping of rewards or publicity if things were to hit it big. *sigh* On the other hand, I do realize that as a writer who is essentially just starting out, I need to be grateful for the opportunities I’m presented, and see them as wonderful learning experiences, and situations that can only assist me in growing as an author!

Ugh! Any advice?…

~ m 🙂


“Hope is a waking dream,” so said Aristotle, and I for one, believe he had it right.

I also got an amazing phone call yesterday afternoon. To bring you all up to speed, I recently became gainfully unemployed (end of September) after 11 years of working full time + without a break. So, it’s been a bit of a shock to my system, having so much time for myself, my writing, reading, napping, and focusing on making some serious life changes. I’ve been looking for work over the past month plus, but to use the same line as hundreds of thousands of others, due to the economy, and lack of jobs that I have the knowledge, skillset, and training for – it’s been a little difficult to find something. I’m also being picky, not just taking a job, because it’s offered to me. I don’t want to find myself in another situation where I’m in a dead end job, dreading the office every morning because of one thing or another – I want to hold out a bit and find a position doing something that I can be passionate about, and with a team that I can feel a connection with.

So, as you may have noticed, I love to write… whether it be blogging, journaling, articles for local publications, essays for larger ones, or just doodling on a napkin in a coffee shop. A few months back, the local paper approached me about an interview & column that they wanted to create about me! Regarding my status as a small town local gal, seeking out the limelight of stardom as a writer. Well, yesterday afternoon, that same paper (who did print an amazing article about yours truly) contacted me about an open position they have for a freelance reporter & photographer!!! I meet with the editor tomorrow morning to discuss specifics… But, I really believe that this is the position I’ve been waiting for. And, the timing couldn’t be better. With the track I’m traveling now, towards a healthier, happier, stronger, prouder me… I can now add that I may be working in a position that I’ve always dreamed of!!!

~ m 🙂