Identity Crisis on the Open Road

You’d think that with the skies clearing up & the weather changing, driving might get a bit simpler – Without the concerns of black ice or ominous snow plows. But, Spring & Summer in the Northwest bring with them our own “fair weather road hazards” – *sigh* bicyclists. Let me start by saying that cycling is a great form of exercise & one that I enjoy myself – in a park, on the mountain, or in the security of my own home (stationary recumbent bike – great purchase for our winters here). It’s a favorite pastime for many of us, dredging up memories from our childhoods. Peddling up & down the neighborhood cul-de-sacs, skinned knees & elbows, streamers flying in the breeze, spokes clicking, annoyingly announcing our arrival…

Nowadays though, not only are folks riding out on the open road as a means of regular transportation, but they’re doing so without much common sense. I mean, I’m ticketed for not wearing safety precautions in my vehicle – shouldn’t they have the same threat? It’s also illegal for my vehicle to make a turn, change lanes, drive on the sidewalk, down the center of a street, or in the crosswalk without first having reasonably signaled as such to my fellow vehicles. I know it’s been a few years since I was enrolled in drivers’ education but honestly – are they really expecting all vehicle operators to be psychic these days? More & more cyclists tend to act as though these stretches of pavement were laid down for their enjoyment – and not as a means for the real vehicles on the road to get from point a to b.
But, I digress.

My real pet peeve and reason for this rant is the complete lack of respect, from cyclists for their fellow drivers. Please, try a bit harder to tackle those identity flips you seem to have while riding down the road. It is physically impossible for you to be a car one moment – driving along on the road, side by side with other vehicles – then in a flash to transform into a pedestrian – using crosswalks & sidewalks to zip through red lights assigned to keep all moving vehicles in check – then before you reach the next city block – to have jumped the curb & morphed back into a vehicle – one that I’m supposed to share the road with. Oh, and when you get the urge to ride down the middle of a road, at 11pm, wearing your sleek new all black workout attire; realize that just like a vehicle lacking headlights, taillights, break lights, or flashers – you are putting yourself in a bit of a risky situation, one that a driver in a 4 wheeled vehicle would be ticketed for.

So, if you’re a cyclist, and you happen to be in the midst of morphing or swapping personalities on the road – be warned that we drivers are onto you. And while the law may side in your favor if an “accident” were to happen – you may not be able to enjoy the thrill of the ride for quite a while if you happen to get smashed by my bumper, or trapped under a tire. This isn’t a threat, not even a warning – just an honest observation in hopes of keeping us all a little bit safer.

4 comments on “Identity Crisis on the Open Road

  1. Barbarann Ayars says:

    Hi Megs,

    I’m here at your site because Lisa B set one up for me and I can’t comment on her site. I must be doing something wrong! Highly likely. But I wanted to read your site and see what posting might be like, blogging might be like, and I love what your blogging is like! I’m learning at your knee.

    • megskay says:

      I’m so excited that you’re giving blogging a shot Barbie! I haven’t been logging on & writing near as much as I’d like to – but I’m working on being more regular at it! I know you’ll be great at it once you get started and will be as addicted as I am!

      ~ Megs

  2. Barbarann Ayars says:

    I hope you’re reading your site today because HERE’S YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT!

    Sometimes treasure people just appear, like angels whose wings are left in the closet, making the trip disguised as people. You, Megs, are one of those. I can’t think that anyone who has known you, even briefly, is not energized to the max from the personality and life energy you exude.

    Writing with you has been a pleasurable surprise, for we are so much alike, though our ages are shockingly dissimilar. We are so much alike in our interests, in our personalities, and yet our lives and our loves are so totally different. It’s such fun to hear some of myself in your words!

    Knowing you on the instant sseems to be a trait we share. i am in total agreement with the above blog… much more can we accomodate cycllsts unless we just surrender the whole road to them? I certainly don’t mind looking out for their safety…my vehicle is always the larger no matter what i’m driving, but I resent the obvious assmption that their safety is solely my responsibility. Grow up or get off the bike, I say!

    Looking forward to Tucson in March; sent my deposit today. Whoohoo!

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